A collection of websites for your enjoyment:


Smithsonian American Art Museum americanart.si.edu


Headlines the Day You Were Born: dmarie.com
The History Place – Dedicated to Students, Educators and all who enjoy History! www.historyplace.com
Eye Witness to History – a fabulous site containing eye witness accounts of historical events through time www.eyewitnesstohistory.com
Today In History – Look up a birthday, anniversary, or just enjoy a daily visit. One of the best collections of histories on a calendar basis. All from The Library of Congress. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/today/today.html
Library of Congress – You just can’t beat it! www.loc.gov
National Museum of the American Indian www.nmai.si.edu
Virtual Marching Tour of the American Revolution www.ushistory.org/march/
The African American Odyssey http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/aaohtml/aohome.html


Texas State Capital Building – State Preservation Board http://www.tspb.texas.gov/prop/tc/tc/capitol.html
Institute of Texan Cultures http://www.texancultures.com/
The Rosenberg Library on the Storm: collection of photos, manuscripts, and oral history from the 1900 Galveston Hurricane is an extensive collection that is viewable online. www.gthcenter.org/exhibits/storms/
Deadliest Natural Disaster in the US History – Galveston Hurricane, September 8, 1900. An estimated 6,000-10,000 people were killed. www.1900storm.com
Texas Beyond History www.texasbeyondhistory.net
The Alamo www.thealamo.org
Texas State Cemetery www.cemetery.state.tx.us
Williamson County Graveyards and History http://three-legged-willie.org/cemetery.htm


McDonald Observatory and Dept. of Astronomy www.mcdonaldobservatory.org
Star Date www.stardate.org
Astronomy Picture of the Day http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html
Satellite Visibility Page www.heavens-above.com
Hubble Space Telescope Pictures http://hubblesite.org
General NASA site www.nasa.gov
NASA Images Gallery www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery
Solar activity and its effects on Earth www.spaceweather.com
International Dark-sky Association www.darksky.org
Earth & Sky www.earthsky.org


Scientific American www.sciam.com
National Geographic www.nationalgeographic.com
Science News www.sciencenews.org
Smithsonian Institution www.si.edu
Smithsonian Educational Resources: http://www.smithsonianeducation.org
Build a Map! How well do you know your 50 states? http://www.sheppardsoftware.com
USGS Website -recent quake activity in the US and worldwide www.earthquake.usgs.gov


Birding on Broadmeade! A blog of reports and pictures about finding birds in the neighborhood. http://birdingonbroadmeade.blogspot.com
The Victorian Period – Adopt the role of a late 19th Century character and try to earn your place in a world where your every move is governed by the rules of etiquette. www.mccord-museum.qc.ca
Books2Eat.com is an International Edible Book Festival that happens around the world every April 1st . The next time you are looking for a new birthday cake idea, you might find this site helpful. Well, you’ll find it amusing at least. http://books2eat.com


Snopes.com – Fact check website. Check out the facts about a facebook post or email. www.snopes.com
Reference Desk – incredible collection of reference information www.refdesk.com
Bartlett’s Quotations www.bartleby.com/100/
The Gutenberg Project – digital production of previously printed books www.gutenberg.org


Your family loved it in the restaurant, you might find the recipe for it here: www.copykat.com


Some of these have recipes, some have history.
Jif Peanut Butter www.jif.com
Kraft Foods www.kraftfoods.com
General Mills www.generalmills.com
Smucker’s www.smuckers.com
Kellogg’s www.kelloggs.com
Betty Crocker www.bettycrocker.com
Duncan Hines www.duncanhines.com


Haunting Education www.graveyards.com


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Report any broken links or suggest new ones! websupport [at] naswc [dot] org